Social Media #librariangoals

I haven’t written in a while. My inspiration for writing today is a conference I attended yesterday at Radford University, The Innovative Library Classroom (TILC). I have attended this conference every year since it’s birth in 2013, and always find that it re-inspires my #librariangoals. This morning I’m working on updating my professional digital identity, which means creating separate social media accounts for my librarian identity.

My reasoning is that my personal social media presence is part progressive politics, part feminism, part parental humor, a little bit of librarianship, and lots of silliness. I am very conscious of the fact that I work at my best if I separate work from everything else. Librarians who mix it all up on Twitter amaze me, because they seem fearless and have a true love of the profession. I, however, have a tendency to become too immersed in the profession unless I make a real effort to stop myself, otherwise I burn out.

So, separate identities for every platform!

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